E-Business Solutions

E-Business Solutions:

For legacy businesses to succeed in the new economy, they will need to develop eBusiness strategies. The term eBusiness has emerged as a means of describing the ways in which businesses have transformed their business models to compete in the new economy. We, at MIS, believe that a successful eBusiness strategy and implementation are critical for companies to ensure relevancy in the new economy. Our eBusiness strategy consists of a portfolio approach in which we simultaneously invest in three opportunity spaces:

Our expertises are:

  • Transporting the existing legacy business into the digital domain through initiatives like eSales, eMarketing, eProvisioning, eCare and eSupply.
  • Using information technologies to create new digitally enabled business models around existing products and services where the value of these services is directly tied to the information being exchanged.
  • Using web technologies to create fundamentally new products, services or competencies.

We see the Internet as the first incarnation of a low-cost, ubiquitous global network that supports rich, multimedia exchanges of digital information. In this new economy, we see Internet technology not merely as an enabler, but as a driver more accurately the driver of business model.